
How to Design a Secure Systems

The following sections present a preliminary set of guidelines for secure interaction design.applying them in practice will help to assess their completeness.Completeness cannot be proved, as it is impossible to guarantee the success of a user interface. Understanding Threats Designing-In ecurity Convenience and Security Security By Obscurity Open vs. Closed Source A Game of Economics All Topics : Ajax | Apache Web Server | Articles | CMS | CSS | Documentation | download | ebook | Forums | HTML and XHTML | Jobs | Linux | MYSQL | PHP | PHP Classes | PostgreSQL || Top Sites | UML | WAMP/XAMPP | Web Security | Webhosting control panel | xml

Smarty installation steps on WAMP and XAMPP

This document assumes that your webserver and php5 is running. 1 Download Smarty - 2 Installation – Windows, IIS/Apache, PHP5 3 Extract files, rename Smarty.x.x.x to smarty (suggest OUTSIDE of your www root!) Example: d:\smarty 4 Run phpinfo.php to find out your php.ini location 5 Edit php.ini’s include_path and add the location of the libs folder. example: include_path = “.;d:\smarty\libs” 6 Restart IIS/Apache 7 Setup these two folders INSIDE your www root: (wwwroot)/smarty/templates (this is where your templates will go) (wwwroot)/smarty/configs 8 Setup these two folders OUTSIDE of your www root: d:/smarty/templates_c d:/smarty/cache 9 Setup security settings for the webserver to write to these four folders <span style="font-weight:bold;">Example </span> In (wwwroot) create index.php and in (wwwroot)/smarty/templates/index.tpl with the following code: <?php // load Smarty library require(’Smarty.class.php’); $smarty = new Smarty; $smarty...

How To Install XAMPP in Support with PostgreSQL And phpPgAdmin

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl, plus many additional modules. The whole package is well integrated and can save a lot of time and hassle for the inexperienced web developer. It's available on four platforms Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris which gives a lot practical benefit to those who use it. PostgreSQL is a well known database that may be more suitable for some tasks or workloads than others. phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL, exactly as phpMyAdmin for MySQL. 1. Install PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin in Windows : 1.1 Install PostgreSQL Assuming you have already download and installed XAMPP into c:\XAMPP, go and get the latest version of PostgreSQL for Windows. Download the version with the installer, not the one with only binaries. Usually, it's a .zip package, extract it and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable vcredist_x86.exe first! Now, double-click postgresql-8.3.msi, choose...

How to remove data , website, weblink from Google Cache

The URL Removal Tool If you have deleted a web page or an image and it has been removed from the server and, the URL returns a 404 page not found error, then you can request Google to remove the page from their indexed cache. Remember the URL of the page to be removed must return a 404 error otherwise this tool will not work. Use the URL removal tool to request that information be removed from Google Web Search and Image Search results. You can use this tool to request the following types of removals: Remove outdated or missing webpages. Remove information or images. Report inappropriate content appearing in SafeSearch filtered results. Google will investigate and provide an update on the status of your request as soon as possible. Removals that are processed through this tool are excluded form Google search results for six months. Blogging tips Locate the URL of the page you’d be like to be removed from Google’s search results. Verify that the URL returns a 404 – not found ...

Recession Does Not Affect Website Development and it is mainly possible through open source technology like LAMP Stack

The current economic climate has dissuaded many people from launching new business web portal. This is unfortunate because this is the perfect time to launch a new revenue generating strategy since the need for additional money is more important now than ever before. But, some may assume that it would be impossible for a business to profit in a recession. While this is true of some businesses, it is not true of all businesses. For example, those businesses that are centered on internet can do quite well even in a recession.

HTML Code - Table of ascii characters ,Symbols ,Special Characters and HTML Accent Entity Codes

Dec Hex Symbol Number Name Description 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / &#32; &#33; &#34; &#35; &#36; &#37; &#38; &#39; &#40; &#41; &#42; &#43; &#44; &#45; &#46; &#47; &quot; &amp; space exclamation point double quotes number sign dollar sign percent sign ampersand single quote opening parenthesis closing parenthesis asterisk plus sign comma minus sign - hyphen period slash 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? &#48; &#49; &#50; &#51; &#52; &#53; &#54; &#55; &#56; &#57; &#58; &#59; &#60; &#61; &#62; &#63; &lt; &gt; zero one two three four five six seven eight nine colon semicolon less than sign equal sign greater than sign question mark 64 65 6...

Free Hosting Control Panels

AlternC - ASM : DTC (Domain Technologie Control) - ISPConfig Hosting Control Panel - SysCP - System Control Panel - VHCS - Web-cp - Webmin - VishwaKarma - ZPanel - - Windows & Linux