XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl, plus many additional modules. The whole package is well integrated and can save a lot of time and hassle for the inexperienced web developer. It's available on four platforms Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris which gives a lot practical benefit to those who use it. PostgreSQL is a well known database that may be more suitable for some tasks or workloads than others. phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL, exactly as phpMyAdmin for MySQL. 1. Install PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin in Windows : 1.1 Install PostgreSQL Assuming you have already download and installed XAMPP into c:\XAMPP, go and get the latest version of PostgreSQL for Windows. Download the version with the installer, not the one with only binaries. Usually, it's a .zip package, extract it and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable vcredist_x86.exe first! Now, double-click postgresql-8.3.msi, choose...
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