Easy steps to create Web Developer's resume

A web developer resume should clearly show a candidate's technical skills. To achieve this, add the Technical Summary or Technical Expertise section to the web developer resume. Further break this section into subcategories for a quick scan of your knowledge of programs and applications.

For example include the following that is applicable to you

* technical certifications
* hardware
* operating systems
* networking/protocols
* programming/languages
* Web applications
* database applications

Highlight some of your soft skills in your career as an web developer (if any) so as to add a personality to your resume. Remember your resume should be short enough, yet should be able to effectively showcase your achievements. Do not make it excessively lengthy.

Highlight your Accomplishments

Show in your resume how your performance as an web developer resulted favoured the company's good. Highlight your initiatives and performances that resulted in enhanced efficiency, faster work, monetary savings, etc. Focus on your most impressive technical projects/accomplishments.

Be sure to include all buzzwords and variants of such words within your Skills section. This is important because many placement firms use automated software that scans your resume for particular skills or keywords that their clients specify.

For Example instead of "Experience in web-development and the use of Structure Query Language with Databases". the more effective presentation will be "Web-Development experience with HTML, ASP, and JSP. Proficiency with SQL, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL".
Some other buzzwords include :

* Proficiency with C++, Lisp, and Corba.
* Some experience using PHP for the development of secure web-applications.
* Advanced Perl and Regex knowledge.

Sample Web Developer Resume

Checkout our sample web developer resumes below :

This sample web developer resume will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our sample web developer resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our sample web developer resume will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.

Richard Anderson,

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.

Objective :

To obtain a creative and challenging position that enables me to gain valuable commercial experience and improve the web development and design skills that I gained as part of my degree course and academic projects.

Key Skills :

Programming Skills:
HTML, CSS, Java, Servlets, JSP, PHP, SQL, XML, XSL, JavaScript.

Graphic design and Photo editing.

Proficient user of Dreamweaver MX, Photoshop 7.0, Fireworks MX, basic knowledge of Flash.

Web Servers: Apache Http Server, Apache Tomcat 4.0.

DBMS used: MySql, Oracle 8I, Access

Analysis/Design Methodologies: UML, OOAD, Unified Modelling Process.

Languages :

Fluent in: English, Italian and French.

Education :

Department of Computer Science, Birkbeck College,2000 - 2003

University of London, England.

B.Sc. in Information Systems and Management. (2:1)

Main Subjects :

Object Oriented Programming with JAVA, Web development and design, Database Management ( MySql, Oracle, Access ), eCommerce, Strategic IS, Data Structures Design Methodologies (SSADM and UML), Networking, Web design, Financial accounting, Management accounting.

Depero School of Art and Graphic Design, Rovereto (TN), Italy 1986 - 1991

Maturita ( equivalent to A levels ).

IT Projects :

  • www.workbike.org Currently in charge of redeveloping the international portal for the workbike community managed by Zero Ltd. Developed with PHP and MySql 4.0. Dreamweaver and Fireworks MX. [contract work].
  • www.thebuddhistsociety.org.uk/new_web_site Responsible for the design and development of the new e-commerce site with shopping cart facilities, catalogue search and order processing for the Buddhist Society UK. Developed using Java, JSP,
  • Servlets, Apache HttpServer, Tomcat and MySql. [contract work]
  • Developed a browser based intranet application for Zero Ltd linking to MySql company database managing deliveries and clients accounts.
  • Designed and implemented a Web based application for an online library using J2EE technologies such as Servlets, JavaBeans, JSP and JDBC connecting to a MySql DBMS using Apache and Tomcat Web Server [final year project].
  • Designed own website http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/giannifilippini

  • Designed the first commercial web site for Zero a courier delivery company based in London. [1998] http://www.zeroisbest.com/
  • Designed a computerized video library system using UML modelling tecniques. [college team project]

Experience :

Current - Zero Ltd, London [ Web developer/designer ]

  • Web site development and design using PHP, MySql.
  • Intranet development with Java Servlets, JSP, Taglibs, MySql database on a Apache Tomcat architecture.

Interests :

  • Representing hotel management at operational level.
  • Departmental trainer for Front Office staff.

  • Implemented the hotel financial reporting system with Excel.
  • Digital photography, Art.
  • Cycling (co-founder of Mori Mountain Bike Club, ITALY ).
  • Running, Tennis, Football, Basketball.
  • Music ( play classical and acoustic guitar ).

References :

References available upon request.


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